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Myanmar Banking & Payments Conference
2nd Myanmar Manufacturing Summit 2016

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Tender Category
States and Divisions...{10}
Ministry of Electric Power...{2}
Ministry of Construction...{5}
Ministry of Electric Power...{11}
Ministry of Environmental Conservation Forestry...{13}
Ministry of Electric Power...{20}
Ministry of Rail Transporation...{13}
States and D...{1}
Ministry of Construction...{41}
Ministry of Electric Power...{74}
Ministry of Science & Technology...{51}
Ministry of Border Affairs...{7}
Ministry of Border Affairs...{21}
Ministry of Industry...{44}
Ministry of border affairs...{9}
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation ...{48}
Ministry of Electric Power...{1283}
Ministry of Industry...{105}
Ministry of Industry...{211}
Ministry of Health...{51}
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology...{88}
Ministry of Energy...{54}
Ministry of Rail Transportation...{96}
Ministry of Nationl Planning and Economic Development...{23}
Ministry of Communicatioins, Posts and Telegraphs...{10}
Ministry of Communicatioins, Posts and Telegraphs...{17}
Ministry of Communicatioins, Posts and Telegraphs...{14}
Minister of National Planning and Economic Development...{8}
Minister of National Planning and Economic Development...{14}
Minister of National Planning and Economic Development...{62}
Minister of Environmental Conservation and Forestry...{480}
Minister of Livestock Breeding and Fisheries...{11}
Other Tenders...{121}
Ministry Of Industry -1 (Naypyitaw)...{18}
Yangon City Development Committee...{108}
Non Ministry...{229}
Ministry Of Naypaitaw City Development Committee...{133}
Yangon University...{1}
Misnistry of Sports...{75}
Ministry of Science & Technology...{105}
Ministry of Religious Affairs...{4}
Ministry of Livestock Breedings and Fisheries...{45}
Ministry of Finance and Revenue...{78}
Ministry of Energy...{141}
Ministry of Electric Power (No.2)...{42}
Ministry of Electric Power (No.1)...{33}
Ministry of Defence...{23}
Ministry of Communication,Post and Telegraphs...{151}
Ministry of Information...{268}
Ministry of Labour ...{5}
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